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University Events

Problem solving workshops are a great way for students to apply their academic skills to real life situations.  Without the pressures of a grade or job requirements students have a safe space in which to let their entrepreneurial and creative skills shine. 

Event Lengths

Events can be as short as a few hours up to several weeks.  


One day events are a great way to introduce the basic concepts of problem solving and ideation.  They focus on the fun and creativity that come out of the hackathon structure.


Long term events give students the chance to full develop their ideas into usable products that can be launched directly to users or into larger accelerator programs. 

One Day Or Less

A sprint through the concepts to introduce students to the basics

2-3 Days

More time give students the chance to further deepen their understanding of the problem solving structure

Week Long

Students are able to deeply research, develop, and validate their work into a full MVP or prototype level presentation


Run like an accelerator, this gives students the freedom & responsibility to drive their own entry into the business world.



Depending on the length and your goals the outcomes of an

event can vary.


While designing the event we will discuss whether you'd like students to create a complete product, understand a concept, or simply have a good time.  


The flexible structure of What The Hack events ensures that no matter the goal outcome students leave with skills and understanding applicable to problem solving in the real world. 

Past University Events


Get a Quote

I'm always happy to discuss your goals and help design an event that meets your needs. 

Thanks for submitting!

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